(Regd) under Administration with Registration No. 288. It was established in 1982.
It was discovered in 1865 by Dr. Count Caesar Mattei. He is a famous doctor in Rochetta, Bologna, Italy.
Electro Homeopathy is a plant-based method of herbal medicine. Electro homeopathic remedies purify the lymph and blood systems of the human body. The name Electro Homeopathy is derived from the electromagnetic energy extracted from plants.
As you know that there are four Medical Sciences in India which are Allopathy, Ayurveda, Unani and Homoeopathy. These pathies are already recognized by the Government of India. Homoeopathy was recognized in India in the year 1973 since then the efforts of this Central Board thousands of Doctors have been trained in this new medical science and are practicing in various states. It was invented / founded by Dr. Count Ceaser Mattel in 1865. Dr. Mattel has great love of nature. He proved that man is the product of Nature and only a medical science based on the law of Nature can preserve and protect its creation. Thus, the electropathy system is the most natural and scientific method of
Electropathy or Electro homeopathy is an integral part of the Alternative System of Medicine. It is natural, harmless, simple, unique, non-toxic, non-alcoholic and no side effects whatsoever. Besides it is rather cheap and affordable to all sections of the society.
The electropathy remedies are prepared by scientific process called Cohobation Method which was introduced by Dr. Theophrastus Von Hohenheim in which the living energies of the plants in the form of essences obtained from medicinal plants. These remedies have maximum curative capacity to regulate the lymph and blood and also to keep them purified.
The word Electro homoeopathy is a combination of three main words i.e. Electro, Homoeo and pathy. Electro means, any disturbance which occurred in the living organism, expelled out from the body by exchange of force (medicinal force/od force) and restores the organic tissues of body to its previous state of health systematically as well, as constitutionally through its nervous system. Homoeo means equilibrium between blood and lymph. In other words, homoeostasis means physical and chemical consistency of the cell. It is inter related between cell to cell, tissue to tissue, i.e. each and every cell connected to each other if their inter relation is in regular way that state is healthy condition. So, Homoeostasis means to keep dis-balance body in to steady state (balance). Pathy: Pathy means system of treatment. In short Electro homoeopathy a new system of medicine by which electrify the homeostasis between lymph and blood of a diseased person.
1. It believes that treatment of the body system in totality is the permanent cure. It does not believe in organ specific treatment.
2. Antidotes are not required as it is based upon law of Polarity and Similarity.
3. No poisons are used.
4. It is inexpensive.
5. Mistaken overdose not cause any harm. Any discomfort can be easily and quickly rectified/controlled.
6. Occupies very little space in packing.
7. The globules do not deteriorate with the passage of time.
8. The crushed fresh plant forms the basic products of Electro homoeopathic medicines and the extraordinary superior spagiric method of preparation preserve the vital radioactive energies of the plant stored up in the essences so obtained.
9. Electropathy medicines are quietly natural, scientific, nontoxic, harmless and without any side effects on human body.
Electropathy Remedies Act in various ways
1. They improve the digestive powers and so facilitate the supply of necessary elements to lymph and blood.
2. They increase the healthfulness of the cells out of which the body tissues are built up.
3. They give tone and nutrishment both to the brain and to the other parts of that complicated and wonderful system of nerves by which all disease is permanently cured.
4. They promote the removal from the system, through the skin and other channels, of morbid and superfluous elements which interfere with bodily health.
Legal Status in Favor of Electro Homeopathy
The right of Electro homoeopathic Practitioners are well protected under article 19(1)(g) of constitution of India. Since Electropathy is working with the aim of promotion, development & research and at this stage, no act has been enacted by the parliament. As such it does not come under the preview of either of the Central/State Govt. Medical act.
All recognized medical systems were recognized under specific Act of Parliament.
For Example:
• Medical Science Recognition under Act
• Allopathy (Western Medical System) Indian Medical Degrees Act (under M.C.I. Act 1916 or India Medical Council Act, 1956)
• Ayurveda And Unani Indian System of Medicines (ISM) Act,1970
• Homeopathy Central Council of Homoeopathy Act,1973 All the four medical systems also had to struggle for a long time before they could get recognition. In the mean while these systems were professionally and scientifically developed and they continued giving treatment/helping the ailing masses for a number of years before they could be accepted by the government. As a matter of fact, these medical systems got recognition from the Govt. one by one i.e. when one was being recognized the others were on their developing stage. Qualified practioners were in practice and helping in developing the new systems uninterruptedly.
• The people using these medicines who got benefited first, and then they approached their representatives like MPs/MLAs for raising the voices in the Parliament and after that Govt. recognizes the system by making an Act. Thus, today four medical systems are recognized. Certainly, fifth will also be recognized, because there has been no act enacted in the Parliament to prevent the invention, and thereafter promotions, development and research of any Medical System.
There is no ban on the use and practice of these harmless methods of healing according to the judgment by the Hon’ble High Court of Calcutta in 1991. This can be witnessed by a law journal vol. II of 1991 published from Kolkata.
Hon’ble Delhi High Court (Division Bench) consisting of Justice Y.K. Sabharwal, the then acting Chief Justice and Justice S.K. Gupta had framed the rules regarding the legality of Diploma/Certificates and hence entitling the doctors to practice Electrooptic medical system on the strength thereof.
On 24.11.2000 the Bench of the Hon’ble Court comprising Justice Rajendra Babu and B.N. Agarwal declined to SLP filed by a petitioner (Delhi Govt. and Union of India) has been dismissed. In the year 18-11-1998 regarding the legality of the electro homoeopathy the Hon’ble Supreme Court has given order to maintain the same status-co given by the Hon’ble Delhi High court, FAO No.205/92.
22.07.2004 - The High Court of Punjab, Haryana and Chandigarh in its judgment/order passed in Criminal Misc. Writ No. 34949-M-99 dt. 22.07.2004 have categorically ruled and directed that when the 59 Electropathy Doctors including petitioner was practicing in Electropathy, he was not required to get himself registered under Indian Medical Council Act 1956. Undisputedly, the petitioner was practicing in Electro homoeopathy system of medicine. Therefore, he was competent to practice in Electropathy system of medicine". The Hon'ble High Court also directed the administration and the medical authorities to quash F.I.R. if registered against any of the practitioner in the system of Electropathy.
And now Ministry of Health & Family Welfare has clearly ordered vide letter no. V. 25011/276/2009-HR dated 5th May 2010 that In accordance with orders of the High Court and Supreme Court Quoted here, there is no proposal to stop the petitioners from practicing in electro homoeopathy or imparting education, as long as this is done within the provision of the order No. 14015/25/96-U & H (Pt) dated 25th November 2003. Once the legislation to recognize a new system of medicine is enacted, any practice or education would be regulated in accordance with the said act.
Thus, registered electro homoeopathy Practitioner has legal right to practice Electropathy in every nook and corner of the country.
1.05-05-2010 Electro Homoeopathy is governed vide. no. 25011/276/2009-HR dated 5th May 2010
2. 02-05-2008 Supreme Court recognized the practice, Maharashtra directorate. Of Health.
3. 23-04-2008 Vijayanagar am Addl. Judi. Court Magistrate Recognized the
BEMS Practice and kept it with in settled law.
4. 22-12-2006 Hon’ble Bombay court recognized the Electro Homoeopathy
5. 10-01-2005 Metropolitan Court, Sec-bad Recognized MD (EH) Practice and
Electro Homoeopathy Board also.
6. 25-11-2003 Central Govt. of India, Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, and Department of Health -Research recognized the Electro homoeopathy.
7. 14-02-2003 Hon’ble Supreme Court of India and Medical Council of India
have declared that, those who are having Community Medical Science
Certificate (CMS) or Rural medical practitioner (RMP) can do
Practice on 42 drug groups of life saving drugs in Allopath.
8. 16-05-2001 Hon’ble Metropolitan session court Sec-bad. Recognized the Electro
Homoeopathy Practice. The court also ordered that Any Medical council
Centre in India has no right to interfere in the Practice.
9. 23-10-2000 XI Metropolitan Court, Sec-bad recognized the Practice of Electro
Homoeopathy & relevant medical college also.
10. 07-05-1999 Hon’ble Calcutta High Court recognized the Electro Homoeopathy,
11. 19-03-1999 Hon’ble High Court of Jabalpur recognized the Electro Homoeopathy
12. 09-06-1998 Hon’ble Madras High Court has given the Judgment regarding using the word Doctor before the name that, those who are practicing Electro homoeopathy system of medicine has right to Use the word Doctor before the name, by representing the symbol of EH (Electro homeopathic)
Further information is welcome personally regarding GO GR, and Court Orders through the Council of Electro homoeopathy or at the office of Dr. Mattei Electro homoeopathic medical college & Research Centre Begum pet Hyderabad. Phone no 040-20024100.
NOTE: Under consideration for Establishing ALTERNATIVE MEDICAL UNIVERSITY soon, issued by the Indian council of Research & Department of Health, Research & Planning Commission vide .No.61/1/2000/ASM/BMS/TRM.Dated:06-02-2013.
S.No. Electro-Homoeopathy List of Books Name
1. A Manual of Materia Medical and Therapeutics of Electro Homoeopathy Indian
2.A New Course of Electro Homoeopathy on System Mattie Indian
3.A Practical Guide to Electro-Homoeopathy Indian
4.Arturo Dalmieri in Occhetta con Cesare Mattie International
5.B. Danyell De Tassinari Il Conte Cesare Mattie International
6.Beside Prescriber in Electro-Homoeopathy Indian
7.Die Neuen Electro-Homoeopathischen Stennmittel International
8.Efficacy of Electro Homoeopathy Indian
9.Electro Homoeopathic Pathology Indian
10.Electro Homoeopathy Medical Series No.1 Indian
11.Electro-Homoeopathy Pharmacopeias Pharmacy & Materia Medica Indian
12.Elettromeopatia del Conte Cesare Mattie International
13.Experience of Electro Homoeopathy Indian
14.Introduction to The New Science of Electro Homoeopathy Indian
15.Mario Facci Il Conte Cesare Mattie International
16.Materia Medica & Fundamental Law Indian
17.Materia Medica of Electro-Homoeopathy by Dr. A. N. Bakshi Indian
18.Materia Medica of Electro-Homoeopathy Medicine Indian
19.Medicinal Plants used in Electro-Homoeopathy Indian
20.Notes on Count Mattei’s Electro-Homoeopathic Remedies International
21.Organon of Electro-Homoeopathy Indian
22.Pharmacodynamics in Electro Homoeopathy Indian
23.Principles of Electro-Homoeopathic Treatment and Organon of Medicine Indian
24.Quinta Edizione Del Vero Vade-Mecum International
25.Text Book of Pharmacy & Electro-Homoeopathy Indian
26.The Electro-Homoeopathic “Star Remedies” International
27.The Jso-Complex-Mode of Medical Treatment and its Medicaments International
28.Theory and Practive of Electro-Homoeopathy Sauter’s System By J.G.de Bonqueval International
29.Utility of Indigenous Plants in Electro-Homoeopathy System of Medicine Indian
Books on Electro-Homoeopathy
(i)Materia Medica (Hindi & English)
(ii)Prac. of Med. (Hindi & English)
(iii)Electro Homeopathy (English)
(iv)Pharmacy (English) (v)
Introduction & Exp. with Electropathy (English)
(1) शरीर रचना Anatomy
(2) शरीर क्रिया विज्ञान Physiology
(3) इलेक्ट्रो होम्योपैथिक निर्माण शास्त्र Electro homoeopathic pharmacy
(4) औषध निघट Materia Medica – द्वितीय वर्ष
(1) विकृत विज्ञान जीवाणु विज्ञान और परजीवी विज्ञान Pathology. Bacteriology and Parasitology
(2) विधि तथा औषध रोग चिकित्सा Medical Jurisprudence And toxicology
(3) स्वस्थ तथा समाज मूलक और निवारक विज्ञान Hygiene Including Preventive and Social Medicine
(4) कार्य चिकित्स Practice of medicine -तृतीय वर्ष
(1) परिवार कल्याण सहित प्रसूति विज्ञान तथा स्त्री रोज विज्ञान Midwifery and Gynaecology Including Family Welair
(2) शाल्य चिकित्स Surgery
(3) जीर्ण रोग वीज्ञान रोग भिलेखन तथा रेपर्टराइजेसन Chronological Diseases Case Treking AndRepertorization
(4) कार्य चिकित्सा Practice of Medicine
(1) चिकित्सा चिकित्सा शास्त्र ज्ञान साधक Organon of Medicine
(2) जीर्ण रोग विज्ञान Cronic Disease Taking.
(3) औषधि निघट Materia Medical.